Uber Confessions Gone Wild; Here's What You Might Expect In an Uber Near You.

Anybody who's ever taken an Uber knows that anytime you step into the stranger's car, you're taking a chance. It's not that all Ubers are inherently dangerous or anything, so you're not taking a chance on your safety, per se. It's just that, you never really know what you're gonna get in these situations.

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There are some pretty special drivers out there, drivers that go above and beyond the call of duty and drivers who fall a bit short of expectations. Here are 40 of the most interesting Uber experiences on the Internet…

Service Dog

It would take an exceptional grump to be able to get into this Uber and not immediately melt in the presence of such an adorable little worker.

Purse Adventures

This Uber driver was more than happy to return their customer's purse, but not before taking it on an adventure and recording it for posterity.

On Deaf Ears

Imagine how frightening it would seem if you got into the car and the driver didn't give you any indication that they were deaf. You'd think you were being driven around by a serial killer.

Be Prepared

You just know that this Uber driver was either a member of some kind of scout organization as a kid or a mom.

High Rating

Doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you reside on, there's no denying the similarities between the Donald's rhetoric and the musical "stylings" of the Biebs.

Bubbly Personality

Sure, you could tell your clients to look for the dark blue Mazda sedan, but there are so many dark blue Mazda sedans out there…

A Bird in the Uber

Talk about as good as it gets! Not only was the Uber driver cavorting around town with their pet bird in tow, the bird just so happened to look like a really strung out Frank Costello.

Hurry Up, Kids!

This Uber driver looks like the dad who's waiting impatiently for you to finish packing so that you and the rest of your siblings can drive to Disney World.


Say what you will about their choice of colors, you can't deny that the lighting really creates an ambiance for the unwary passenger.

This is Halloween

We give this driver major points for getting into the spirit of things but we will remind everyone that Jack eventually crashed the sleigh towards the end of the movie.

It's All Relative

Listen, before you judge, we have all done things we're not proud of in order to get out of a ticket. If anything, at least this driver was dedicated to the performance enough to sell the hug.

All Kinds

This driver wants his customers to know that they welcome people of all kinds into their cab, with one small caveat.

Hell of a Response

Honestly, not really sure how we would take such a reply. Would probably just err on the side of caution and ask them to drop us off at the next corner.

Nintendo Power

There are a ton of unique Uber drivers out there looking to stand out in the crowd, but this guy really took things to the next level. (That's a video game pun, by the way.)

Sweet Ride

We've heard that Dubai is upscale, but we had no idea that it was so bougie even the Uber drivers drive some of the hottest luxury cars on the market.

Out to Sea

It looks as if this person's Uber driver is either picking them up in a boat or they pulled a Michael Scott and followed the GPS into the water.

Short Trip

Over the past few years, Uber has been very helpful in cutting down on the number of drunk drivers on the road and even the very inebriated now have a record of their trip the next day.

Puppy Power

Why hasn't this happened to us yet?! Seriously, there's bound to be more than a few Uber drivers out there milling around with their canine companions.


We thought the puppies, video games, and tissues were going above and beyond, but this Uber driver is doing everything they can to make their passengers happy.

Keeping Busy

Despite the fact that you get to meet interesting people, being an Uber driver can be pretty tedious. You gotta do what you can to entertain yourself.


This creative Uber driver also moonlights as a wizard when they're not driving folks around.

Business Card

Professionalism is the cornerstone to being a successful Uber driver and a business card helps to add legitimacy to any enterprise.

Season's Greetings

It doesn't matter who you are or what faith you're a part of, it just seems like even the smallest token of kindness can turn any bad day around.

Hot Butt

Nothing worse than thinking the driver has heated seats and discovering it was just someone's warm, potentially swampy butt sitting there a moment before.

Glowing Recommendation

It's unfortunate that the original poster got picked up during the day. We bet this Uber looks crazy cool at night.

Just the Tip…Jar

This is a pretty clever, albeit very dirty way to to get a tip…even if it's just a little one.

Classic Systems

This driver didn't opt for the more advanced PS4 or Xbox. No, they realized that the classics never go out of style.

Self-Driving Cars

We are truly living in the future, we just have to be careful that we don't inadvertently create a Skynet powered by vehicular taxi terminators. That said, autonomous vehicle technology is, undeniably, improving every day. During testing of their self-driving cars in California, however, an Uber SUV with a human backup driver struck and killed 49-year-old biker. Police released a 22-second video showing the woman walking from a darkened area and onto the street just before the incident. The human driver seemed to be distracted until moments before the impact. Uber suspended its autonomous vehicle testing after the accident; however, it has since resumed testing in a downsized environment, according to the New York Times. Uber hopes that, one day, the technology will become the norm.

Ocular Connection

This sounds like either the beginning of an epic love story or the awkward middle of the movie scene in a romantic comedy.

Date Night

This brave Uber driver's flirting game is on point.

Above and Beyond

This is an Uber driver who knows his business back to front. As opposed to his client, who seems so drunk she only knows things front to back.

Christmas Spirit

This Uber driver has already thought of everything during the holiday season, including offering festive snacks to his customers.

Free Advertising

This seems like the sort of thing someone would do for a substantial bonus from the company they work for. Just saying…

Every Little Thing

This Uber has lotions, an assortment of video games, a garbage can, and what looks like a weird lava lamp. Talk about being prepared.


Note to all potential Uber drivers out there, perhaps don't take stupid chances when you've agreed to drive a stranger home, and it's raining, and you can't drive well.

Yield to Pedestrians

This would probably be enough for us to just roll out of the car like we're in an action movie. Might be safer in the long run.

Hat Face

What exactly is a "hat face" you might ask? We're not sure either, but it sounds like a compliment.

Child Care

Why bother hiring a single babysitter when you can have any number of different strangers babysit your kid while you drive them around?


Experts say that multitasking actually prevents one from doing any of the multiple tasks perfectly. Just something to consider when one of those tasks is driving safely.

Rick and Morty

Very few folks will get this joke, but trust us, it's hilarious, especially if you're Uber trip involves coming home from a bar.

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