Most Hilarious Company Reviews Ever Left On Glassdoor

In the Age of the Internet, employees are given the power to leave reviews of their bosses and employers online. Websites like Glassdoor offer employees the ability to anonymously air out their grievances, and the results are hilarious.

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We scoured the web to find the 20 most ridiculous Glassdoor reviews online. After reading them ask yourself: "Is my job really that bad?"

A Bunch of Fluff

This employee, who claims you will "hate life" after working there, sounds a bit disgruntled.

Becoming a Couch

It must've been pretty boring there. And what a low blow to management…

Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Apparently this person was stuck in the middle and surrounded by "nut jobs" at this "cult-like" place of employment…

Not Even My Worst Enemy

At this place it seems as if the managers sit back and take credit for the hard work of their employees while the job itself destroys their relationships. According to the review writer, you should recommend the job "to your enemies."

Mergers and Acquisitions

After being bought out by a larger tech company, it looks like a bunch of people were let go and because of that, productivity and innovation waned…we wonder how this company is doing.

No Reward

Here, the employee actually tells us not to work hard because you'll get more responsibility with no reward…apparently achievement in itself is no longer rewarding…

One Man Show

Walt must be quite an important person, as apparently he's the only one doing anything at this company. The employee ends the "cons" section of their review by stating that "the long list of failures should have been the warning to stay clear of these guys."

Simply Unethical

So the company is "simply a group of good old boys who have convinced themselves they are the next great thing," and that's the good news? With pros like these, who needs cons?

A Lot of Turnover

So at this company it looks like Q1 job layoffs are just a part of the ecosystem there. But other than that (and long hours), it actually sounds like an exciting place to work!

Wait, What?

The experiences at this place must've been a bit confusing…so which one was it, too much work balance or not enough?

Forced Friendship?

We're not sure about this one. The reviewer claims they had to "become friends with other employees." How exactly is a metric like that supposed to be measured and quantified, hmm?

Basement Ceremonies

The pro of "excellent pay" may not be enough to balance out the "Satanic ceremonies in the basement," but we'll let you figure that one out on your own…

The Godfather

This one is kind of confusing…but it reminds one of the scene in the Godfather where all the other gangsters are "taken care of." This person also sounds like they want heads to roll…

One of the Worst

If what this reviewer says is true, this may be the worst place to work on this list. No direct deposit, no tax forms, not even a last check? Doesn't even sound legal.

Source image: 3

BILLY: use the source here for the next couple slides. you'll have to screengrab the images because this person split up the pros and cons — just grab the cons. include 'glassdoor' logo in bottom right corner of cons slides.

Weak Follow-Through

Sounds like the managers here aren't worthy of their titles. Every lower level employee knows more than upper management, that's just a fact!

Every Man Is an Island

It must get awfully lonely in an office where no one talks to each other! The "shady business practices" probably don't help.

Simply Bad

With no one there who's fun to be around and nothing good to say, it's a wonder this place is still in business. They weren't to thrilled about management after leaving…

Structural Improvements Needed

There's not a whole lot of pros or cons here, but the advice to management section has a lot to say. The people want empowerment, not babysitters!

Playing Favorites

It's never a good thing when management plays favorites, sadly it's still common. At least the customers this employee had to deal with offered some entertainment.

Accuracy Matters

Even though we've had a good laugh reviewing these ridiculous Glassdoor reviews, we have to admit some of these complaints aren't articulated as well as they could've been. If a manager or CEO read some of these, they'd probably think twice about their businesses and the managers who run them, but some would just be confused. That's why it's important to be accurate in your review, even if you left on a bad note.

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