Logan Paul YouTube Video Leads to Baby Tiger's Rescue After Being Illegally Kept

Wild animals belong in the wild as nature intended. Sadly, many end up kept pent up in cages thanks to cruel people who selfishly want to keep them as pets for their own amusement.

LifeDaily Video of the Day

In 2017, authorities in California received an anonymous tip about a tiger cub that was being illegally kept as a pet. Unfortunately, the tip wasn't enough for police to track down the wild animal. But thanks to a controversial Youtube video, however, authorities were able to rescue the big cat before it was too late…

The Anonymous Tip

In October of 2017, Wildlife Trafficking Wardens from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife received a tip from a concerned citizen. The anonymous tipster explained they had seen a picture on social media of a model posing with a tiger cub.

Breaking The Law

The person then sent along the information from the model's Instagram post. As soon as the Wildlife Trafficking Wardens got word that there was a tiger cub being kept as a pet in California, they immediately got to work since it's illegal to keep exotic pets like tigers as pets in California.

The Investigation Begins

Based on the information the wardens managed to gather from several Instagram posts, they managed to deduce that the tiger cub was being kept illegally by 32-year-old Nicholas Perkins. After identifying the man, authorities then filed charges for the crime.

The Charges

In late 2017, authorities charged Perkins with one count of mistreatment of a tiger, two counts of illegal possession of a tiger, and one count of possession of anabolic steroids. However, they still weren't sure exactly where Perkins resided or where the tiger was.

Limited Information

Unfortunately, the Instagram posts had given them limited information. It was enough to press charges, but not enough for the police to find the 32-year-old and arrest him for illegally possessing a tiger. They also weren't able to save the tiger, which was most important.

The Youtube Video

However, authorities in California didn't have to wait long before another tip came their way. Later in October of 2017, Logan Paul, an actor and internet celebrity, uploaded a video to his Youtube channel that featured the tiger cub authorities had been trying to locate.

A Bad Idea

In the video, "KONG MEETS A BABY TIGER! **Showdown**", Paul brings his pet Pomeranian, Kong, to meet the tiger. "It's not a great idea, but it's definitely entertainment," Paul said in the video. "Kong has never met a tiger. We want Kong to meet the tiger. It's a baby tiger, how big can it be?"

Meeting The Tiger

After arriving at the home in Studio City, Los Angeles, Paul found the baby tiger huddled near a wall near a swimming pool in the backyard of the home. Before introducing Kong to the tiger cub, Paul takes a moment to pet the small tiger. "Dude, it's like a dog, but it's a tiger," Paul joked. "Tigers don't like vloggers."

Kong Meets The Cub

"I just got a house, super cool, but I think I am going to return the house and invest in baby tigers," Paul said in the video. At that point, Paul then brings out his tiny Pomeranian so they can meet and to see how they interact with each other while claiming they had experts on hand to ensure everything was safe.

Under Expert Supervision

"Just for all the animal advocates, I am going to be here to supervise," Paul claims in the video "We are just going to check the vibe." Yet at Paul set Kong down, the tiny dog clearly becomes distressed and tries to hide from the larger cub when it started to growl.

No Laughing Matter

Instead of picking the small dog up, Paul and the other young men in the background of the video laugh as the tiger began to chase the Pomeranian around in circles. However, the video received more than eight million views, and many of those viewers didn't find the scene funny.

A Vital Lead

After being notified about the video, authorities and prosecutors didn't think the video's content was funny either. However, Paul's controversial Youtube video finally gave investigators what they needed to track down both Perkins and the tiger cub.

Tracking Down The Address

After Paul's video was uploaded to Youtube, The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office and the Department of Fish and Wildlife worked together to find clues in the video. Those clues eventually led to authorities tracking down the address of the Studio City home.

Authorities Speak Out

"We were able to verify the location of the animal through social media posts including Mr. Paul's YouTube video," Frank Mateljan, spokesman for the City Attorney's Office, said in a statement reported by The Patch. "The animal did not belong to him nor was it being kept in his home."

A Serious Risk

"The charges are related exclusively to the treatment and possession of the animal," Mateljan explained. "Tigers and other exotic animals are not pets," City Attorney Mike Feuer said in a statement reported by The Patch. "Keeping these potentially dangerous animals in a residential setting poses a serious safety risk for residents and animals alike."

Strict Laws

"My office will continue to work closely with our law enforcement partners to ensure these treasured creatures are safe and those who illegally keep them are held accountable," Feuer said. "California has some of the strongest restricted species laws in the country," David Bess, Deputy Director and Chief of the Law Enforcement Division, added.

Sending A Message

"They're designed to protect exotic animals from neglect and improper care and serve to protect the public from these animals, many of which can be dangerous," Bess explained. "Our Wildlife Trafficking Team, working with the City Attorney's office, are sending a message that exotic species like tigers don't belong as pets in people's homes."

The Raid

On November 9, 2017, authorities raided the Los Angeles home with a search warrant. Not only did the find anabolic steroids in the home, but they discovered the tiger cub living in poor conditions. Investigators also found evidence that Perkins was feeding the cub kitten milk replacement formula out of a child's baby bottle.

A Possible Jail Sentence

Perkins now faces the four charges brought against him. If convicted, Perkins could face a maximum sentence of two years and six months in prison for his crimes. If found guilty, Perkins could also be forced to pay as much as $4,000 in fines.

A Full Recovery

Paul, on the other hand, will not be charged for featuring the illegal tiger in the video. In the wake of the raid, authorities were able to rescue the tiger cub, which was then taken to a large cat rescue and sanctuary in Los Angeles. With proper care and diet, the tiger has thankfully made a full recovery.

Logan Paul's Vlog

Video Leads to Charges

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