35 Most Risky Roads From Around The World You'd Be Crazy To Drive On

The world is covered with treacherous highways, mountain passes, and hidden streets even the most experienced drivers would have trouble navigating. But normal people drive these roads every day. After looking at some of these streets you would think these people must be fearless, or crazy. It's astounding what some people will do when they have to get from A to B…

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Nonetheless, they drive them. Crazy right? Here's a list of the 35 most dangerous streets in the world…

R504 Kolyma Highway, Russia

Also known as "Old Summer Road," this stretch of highway in far eastern Russia proves to be a challenge for even the most experienced motorcyclists and 4-wheel drivers as it's not paved. And surrounded with impossibly thick vegetation mixed with constant precipitation means visibility is always very, very low.

Cotopaxi Volcano Road, Ecuador

The Cotopaxi Volcano remains active in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador, making this unpaved 25-mile stretch leading to Cotopaxi National Park quite dangerous.

Transfagarasan, DN7C, Romania

This is a paved mountain road crossing the southern section of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. The scenic views are what draws the curious tourist, but the high altitude and winding twists and turns landed this road on our list.

Ruta 5, Africa to Iquique Road, Chile

This road is so monotonous and boring that drivers tend to lose focus, sometimes even falling asleep at the wheel. So although it's not as scenic as some other roads on this list, it is still equally as dangerous.

Zoji La Pass, India

This is a road very busy with farmers moving livestock, often requiring them to make two lanes of the one-lane pass. Even though it's not particularly difficult to navigate, it's a very busy way to take and can test a driver's resolve. Any driver who doesn't plan their route through this pass beforehand will regret it…

The Road to Fairy Meadows, Pakistan

The 10-kilometer stretch of road leads to what is known as the "killer mountain". What makes it dangerous is how narrow the road becomes in some areas, although anyone who travels it will notice its remarkable beauty.

Patiopuolo-Perdikaki Road, Greece

This narrow, windy pass it particularly dangerous due to low maintenance and very few guard rails. If the weather happens to be bad on any particular day, it can make this road almost impossible to navigate.

Luxor-al-Hurghada, Egypt

Not only is this road unpaved, it's susceptible to bandit raids and other robberies. If traveling this road at night, drivers would be smart to leave their lights off and remain unseen by the potential thieves in the area.

US Route 431, United States

As scenic and serene as this road appears at first, it can often be quite the opposite. Narrow lanes and fast lane changes require a driver's complete attention on this road at all times.

A537, United Kingdom

Nothing about this road in the United Kingdom looks particularly dangerous. Indeed, it can be described as rather bland. But the high amount of car crash deaths has earned the road the nickname "The Widow Maker," which is why it made our list.

A44, United Kingdom

This road is responsible for so many head-on collisions that we had to include it. What makes it so dangerous is that this road actually changes which side of the road a driver is supposed to drive on, making it quite confusing for UK drivers.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

This highway is subject to avalanches, rock slides, and bad weather, making it highly dangerous to begin with. Even more daunting is the fact that road deaths have doubled on this highway in the last two decades.

Stelvio Pass Road, Italy

This road doesn't even stretch two miles long, but contains so many narrow twists and turns that even the most-experienced drivers will have trouble on it. That said, the view from this road is gorgeous.

Hana, Hawaii

Another beautiful route, this tropical road is surrounded by lush foliage, a mountain on one side and an ocean on the other. Be careful though, because this narrow road is also vulnerable to landslides.

The Trans-Siberian Highway, Russia

This is one of the longest stretches of highway in the world, and by not being paved it can be one of the most dangerous. If it happens to rain, drivers can be trapped for hours in muddy ditches, sometimes even days.

Le Passage du Gois, Franc

It doesn't take much to argue this road being one of the most dangerous in the world. At times sections of the road can be completely submerged in water, and even when they're not, a rogue wave can knock a driver completely off course.

Caucasus Road, Russia

Being narrow, in some areas unpaved, and alongside a mountain, this road proves to be very treacherous. Especially if the weather is rainy or snowy.

Yungas Road, Bolivia

Just looking at this road is enough to deter a driver from going there. Add to that the fact that this road is responsible for between 200-300 deaths a year and it's definitely a no-go.

Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway

This crazy road resembles a roller-coaster in some areas, with a side of Atlantic Ocean waves in the mix. Drivers maneuvering this archipelago road would be smart to bring a life-jacket along with them.

Dalton Highway, Alaska

This is arguably the most isolated road on the planet. Its icy conditions and remote location mean that breaking down on it means you'll be stranded for hours, maybe days. That can spell disaster in below-zero temperatures.

Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan

This bridge was built ridiculously high in order for ships to travel under it. This means that drivers going over it have to face dangerously steep inclines and declines that can prove rather treacherous.

Khardung La Pass, India

Going through a valley between two mountain passes, this route is very scenic. However, the road is susceptible to rock slides at any moment. Drivers here need to be aware of their surroundings at all times.

Guoliang Tunnel, China

This tunnel is built in the side of a mountain, is extremely narrow and can prove to be rather dangerous. Photos of this tunnel look really cool, but driving on it is another story…

Apache Trail Scenic Drive, Arizona, United States

As one of the most beautiful scenic routes on this list, this trail can draw the eye in a dangerous way. Drivers here are cautioned to drive slow and stay focused on the road, which will undoubtedly prove easier said than done.

Cathedral Ridge, Pakistan

Like the last entry on this list, this road can be both very scenic and very dangerous. We suggest parking the car and getting out if you want to enjoy the surroundings. If you do it while driving, the consequences can be dire.

Road of Death, Bolivia

This road lives up to its name as one wrong turn can mean death. On the ridge of a steep cliff covered by greenery, this narrow road is both beautiful and dangerous.

Karakoram Highway, Pakistan to China

This road contains a mixture of things that make it dangerous. For one, it can be long, straight and boring in some areas, making drivers lose focus on the road. Then, in other areas it has sharp curves and steep cliffs. Everything about this road is dangerous, and in a spectrum of different ways.

Pan American Highway, Alaska to Chile

According to Guinness World Records, this is the world's longest motor road. Throughout its 30,000-mile stretch can be a host of dangerous situations. Anyone planning a trip down this road should plan accordingly.

Karnali Highway, Nepal

This monstrosity gives even bicycle riders second thoughts. Around 50 people die on this road each year due to patches of slick mud in unpaved areas. The unpaved surface makes for a very slow drive.

Victim River Bridge, Siberia

This bridge is rather short, and no deaths have been recorded on it, but that's because almost no one has the guts to drive on it. All it is is a wooden bridge covered in ice with no barriers, not to mention it's not even wide enough for a standard modern car.

Commonwealth Avenue, Philippines

This road isn't on a mountain cliff or in some icy remote region of the world, and is actually quite normal as far as roads go. The problem is that it is so busy that getting into an accident is very common. Thousands of car crash deaths are recorded each year.

Federal Highway 1, Mexico

This road is dangerous not only because it twists and turns through mountainous terrain, but also because in several states in Mexico, there are no driver's license requirements. So who knows who you'll be sharing the road with?

BR-116, Brazil

Like another road on this list, this one in Brazil is dangerous because of bandits that freely roam the countryside near the road. There are also cliffs and the road itself is very poorly maintained.

Barton Highway, Australia

Considered the most dangerous highway in Australia, this road is so packed that motorists regularly file complaints about traffic. And the highway's roundabout causes so many accidents that some people avoid it all together.

Halsema Highway, Philippines

Known as the deadliest road in the Philippines, this makes a trip along a steep, twisting mountainside that most people wouldn't go near even if they had to. It is another on this list that is as beautiful as it is dangerous.

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