Hollywood Action Star Condemned Over Controversial 'Racist' Remarks

Hollywood actors and actresses are used to their every word being completely dissected and analyzed by the public. For that reason, many choose not to be politically correct instead of speaking candidly about complicated social issues.

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Recently, however, Irish actor Liam Neeson was surprisingly honest in an interview about a time in his life where he was hellbent on revenge. Yet his honesty has landed him in the midst of a racial controversy…

The Action Star

Irish actor Liam Neeson is Hollywoods go-to action star for movies centered around ordinary middle-aged men who have become hell-bent on exacting revenge. Most recently, Neeson starred in Cold Pursuit, a dark comedy about revenge that was released on February 8, 2019.

Cold Pursuit

In Cold Pursuit, Neeson plays Nels Coxman, a father who becomes hell-bent on revenge after his son is killed by a drug gang. In early 2019, Neeson and his fellow cast members including Emmy Rossum, Tom Bateman, and Laura Dern, began traveling to give interviews as part of the press tour.

The Press Tour

While in New York, Neeson sat down for an interview with the Independent to promote their new movie. When asked about his character turning to anger, Neeson explained he understood how his character had been feeling. "There's something primal," Neeson told the Independent.

A Controversial Interview

"God forbid you've ever had a member of your family hurt under criminal conditions," Neeson said. He then went on to explain that he not only understood how his character could have such an angry and violent reaction to a traumatic situation but admitted that he had personally experienced it himself.

First-Hand Experience

"I'll tell you a story. This is true," Neeson began his now controversial admission. The 66-year-old actor explained that during his 20s, he was filled with anger and urge to get revenge after he discovered that a close friend, whose identity he did not reveal, had been raped.

A Friend's Rape

According to Neeson, he had been overseas when the sexual assault happened and only heard about the rape from his friend after he returned home from his trip. Despite what had happened to her, Neeson's friend didn't let the traumatic experience change her or turn her into an angry, hateful person.

Overcoming The Trauma

"She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way," Neeson said about his friend's strength. Neeson, however, admitted he didn't have the same mature reaction after discovering that someone he cared a great deal about had been violated.

Neeson's Reaction

According to Neeson, his immediate reaction to the disturbing news was anger and that he immediately felt the need to get revenge and make the person who hurt his friend pay for what they did. While Neeson isn't proud of that reaction, he explained it was the truth.

Full Of Rage

"But my immediate reaction was," Neeson explained. "I asked, did she know who it was? No. What color were they? She said it was a black person." At that moment, Neeson was so full of rage that someone had hurt his friend but also that he hadn't been there to protect her when it happened.

Hitting The Streets

Before he knew it, Neeson explained he was out on the street with a cosh, or a crowbar, in his hand looking for the person who had raped his close friend. According to Neeson, he wasn't in the right state to be able to step back and really consider what he was doing

Shameful Behavior

"I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I'd be approached by somebody – I'm ashamed to say that," Neeson admitted about his experience with being driven to violence. For several more days, Neeson spent his time prowling the streets in search of his friend's rapist.

A Shocking Admission

"I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestured air quotes] 'black bastard' would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know," Neeson said about his regretful behavior. "So that I could kill him," he added with a pause.

A Week Later

"It took me a week, maybe a week and a half, to go through that," Neeson said about the experience. "She would say, 'Where are you going?' and I would say, 'I'm just going out for a walk.' You know? 'What's wrong?' 'No no, nothing's wrong.'" Eventually, however, Neeson realized how wrong his actions were.

Stepping Back

After about a week, the uncontrollable anger that had overtaken Neeson started to recede enough for him to realize how wrong his violent reaction was. "It's awful," Neeson said about what he did about 40 years ago. "But I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, 'What the *&%$ are you doing,' you know?"

Confessing The Truth

"It was horrible, horrible, when I think back, that I did that," Neeson said. "And I've never admitted that, and I'm saying it to a journalist. God forbid." At the time, Neeson confessed to a priest and then found a healthier way to deal with his emotions, which involved power walking for two hours every day as well as talking to friends about it.

Raised Among Violence

In the interview, Neeson ended his candid story by explaining that it was an experience that showed him that violence and revenge are never the answer. "I come from a society – I grew up in Northern Ireland in the Troubles – and, you know, I knew a couple of guys that died on hunger strike, and I had acquaintances who were very caught up in the Troubles, and I understand that need for revenge, but it just leads to more revenge, to more killing and more killing, and Northern Ireland's proof of that. All this stuff that's happening in the world, the violence, is proof of that, you know," Neeson explained.

A Racial Controversy

Despite Neeson pointing out and admitting how wrong and abhorrent his behavior was about 40 years ago, the actor was immediately condemned for his remarks and labeled a racist by the public. In the wake of the controversial interview, the New York red carpet event for Cold Pursuit was even canceled.

The Good Morning America Interview

Neeson has since tried to clarify his remarks and appeared on 'Good Morning America', to explain that what he did decades ago doesn't reflect the person he is now. "I'm not racist," Neeson told 'Good Morning America'. "This was nearly 40 years ago. It really shocked me, this primal urge I had. I did seek help."

Not About Race

When asked why Neeson asked about the color of the rapist's skin, he answered that he also asked his friend if her attacker was big, small, tall, or short. In the interview, Neeson explained that, at the time, he would have had the same reaction if his friend said that her rapist had been white.

The Damage Is Done

"If she had said an Irish, or a Scot, or a Brit or a Lithuanian I know I would have felt the same effect. I was trying to show honor, stand up for my dear friend in this terrible, medieval fashion," Neeson said. "Violence breeds violence," he added. "Bigotry breeds bigotry." While many feel that the damage of Neeson's words can't be taken back, he explained that he hopes his honesty will help people talk more openly about racism and bigotry.

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