Driver Crashes Car After Falling Asleep Behind The Wheel, Is Rescued Moments Before Car Explodes

When you hop into your car, even for something as routine as picking your kids up from school, you never really know what you might encounter along the way. Most of the time, things happen as they're supposed to and life goes on as normal.

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Then again, if there is one thing that you can assume about life in general, it's that it's full of surprises. What follows is a story about the terrifying unpredictability of life, the miraculous kindness of strangers, and the fortunate consequences of being prepared…

Near the Overpass

It began on the sleepy stretch of Interstate 270 in north St. Louis County, Missouri. A driver, tired from the night before, began to drift back and forth on the road in his SUV. Try as he might to stay awake, the driver eventually fell into a doze, driving off the road around 4 p.m. and slamming into the bridge supports beneath the Lilac Avenue overpass.

A Car Aflame

Shockingly, the man's exhaustion was so great that even the sudden impact didn't rouse him. It wasn't until the car hit the bridge support that he may have even realized what had happened. The man was terrified and to make matters worse, smoke began to seep in from beneath the hood and at some point, he fell unconscious once more. Luckily for the man in the car, Kelly was on her way home from work at that exact moment.

Picking Up the Kids

Kelly had been driving to pick up her children from school when she noticed the smoking car wrecked beneath the overpass straight ahead of her. She pulled up to help but saw that the car was smashed against the pillar and it appeared the driver had been trapped inside and had fallen unconscious or become seriously injured in the crash.

No Way In

Despite the growing heat, Kelly grabbed hold of the doors. To her horror, she found that they wouldn't budge. Kelly didn't know what to do and neither did the other that had stopped to help. Time was running short and she knew it. Then it occurred to Kelly that she had just the thing; the Stealth Angel Survival Kit she'd bought herself for Christmas.

Running to Help

She knew that the Stealth Angel Survival Kit had everything that she would need to help extricate the trapped driver, including a glass-breaking pen with a carbide tip. She had never done it before but knew that it could be used to break even the toughest car windows in an emergency. She ran back to her own car and pulled out the Stealth Angel Survival Kit.

Just the Thing

Kelly pulled out the Stealth Angel Survival Kit and slicked open the plastic carrying case. Then, making sure that the glass-breaker was still inside, she ran back to the other car with the Stealth Angel Survival kit in tow. She knew that if the man stayed in that car for even a few more minutes, then he'd be beyond saving. When she arrived back at the scene, she saw one of her fellow rescuers brandishing a gun.

Shots Fired

The man's plan was to use his firearm to shoot the car window, thereby breaking it enough for them to pull the unconscious man to safety. Kelly told the man not to fire, that it would be far too dangerous to do so. She then pointed to the Stealth Angel Survival Kit in her hands and pulled out the glass-breaking tool.

Breaking the Windows

Taking little care for her own safety, Kelly grabbed hold the glass breaker from her Stealth Angel Survival Kit and slammed it into the man's driver's side window. The glass shattered into a million pieces and one of Kelly's fellow rescuers was able to pull the man to safety seconds before the whole car burst into flames.

All's Well

Emergency workers were soon on the scene and the car fire was extinguished before any further damage could be done. The driver had been the only person in the car at the time and thanks to Kelly and her Stealth Angel Survival Kit, he was completely uninjured. It just goes to show that having the right tool at the right time can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

Stealth Angel Survival Kit

This story is proof that miracles can happen even on the most ordinary of days. The fact that Kelly had thought to buy the Stealth Angel Survival Kit, not even a month before this incident, is also proof that fortune favors the prepared and that anyone can be a hero if they are willing to step in and do their part.

Kelly's Words

Kelly posted to her Facebook in her own words:

Dear everyone I know..

On the way home from work today, I drove on 270 near Bellefontaine and saw a driver trapped in his car that was on fire and smashed into the overpass pillar. I JUST bought an emergency survival kit from Stealth Angel at Christmas and put it in my car.

I stopped to help and got to the car, and the doors wouldn't budge. I ran back to my car to get my glass breaker inside the kit. One shot and it came down. The man next to me pulled him out. We ran away. The car then exploded. I never want that experience that again, but if it does I know I'm prepared. Go buy this kit.

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