Firefighters Scorched On Social Media For Accepting Farmer's Gift

When social media gets a taste of blood, its users swarm like sharks. One headline can spark debate across almost any subject, and with the right angle, almost always does…

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The following story is an example of just such a case. A group of firefighters were enjoying a gift given to them by someone they helped, and when the Internet got its teeth sunk into the story, it didn't let go…

A Peaceful Farm

In a farm just outside of London, England was a passionate farmer named Rachel. She wished to give her cattle the best lives possible before they are moved to the slaughterhouse. However, this wish and the entire farm would end up being threatened by an unnatural disaster that would take major effects before Rachel could even notice.

Labor Work

Rachel was enjoying her time on the field as usual, taking out weeds and looking at her sleeping horses in the stables. Although the labor work that farmers are involved with can be seen as redundant, she enjoys every second of it. From repairing fences and tractors to fixing crops to caring for animals, Rachel was an expert.

Deep Connection

Rachel grew up in a family of farmers and anticipated since her childhood that she would have her own farm one day. She knew that a farmer needed to have dedication to their land, otherwise, it would be a barren wasteland. Nowadays, she even feels that she and her horses can speak the same language.

Weird Behavior

When Rachel took out all of the weeds and returned to the stables, she noticed that one of her horses were awake. At first, she thought that it woke up after she walked into the stable. However, she knew something was off when it started panicking for seemingly no reason.

Signs Of A Fire

Before long, Rachel noticed the smoke covering the moonlight, the distinct sound of crackles, the quick increase in temperature, and the light emanating from her barn. It didn't take long for her to piece it all together. Her barn was on fire, and her cattle were still inside…

Barn On Fire

Rachel sprinted towards the barn in a panic, desperate to save them before it's too late. 18 piglets and two sows were trapped inside the blazing farm, and she had no idea how she was going to help them. She didn't realize just how gigantic the fire was until she was right in front of the barn.

Time Is Ticking

Even through the sound of her own footsteps and the crackling of the blazing inferno, she heard the cries of her precious cattle. She watched as different areas of the barn collapsed, and were consumed by the wrath of the flames. The only logical option was to call the fire department and hope for the best…

Hope For Firefighters

Rachel impatiently waited for the firetrucks to veer onto the farm, hoping that they would arrive soon. If the firefighters didn't make it in time, her entire barn and a couple dozen of her animals would be scorched by the unforgiving fire. As if someone heard her prayers, sirens started wailing in the distance. The firefighters arrived.

Grim Situation

"When we arrived at the scene shortly before 10pm, half of the barn was on fire, with the pigs sheltering in the corner on the other side. The tough bit was getting towards it and then to free the pigs. Once they were clear, we took a defensive approach to keep the situation under control and then let the fire burn itself out," the Pewsey watch manager Mark Hillier recalled.

Fighting Fire

Rachel watched in awe as the firefighters immediately hopped off of their truck, equipped themselves, and did their work. One of them patrolled the perimeter and looked at each side of the barn; another looked inside to see where the animals were. They quickly planned to go inside, get the animals, and get out while the barn burns itself out. Rachel watched as the firefighters cleared an entrance for themselves and went inside, one by one.

Lives At Risk

As the fire raged, the firefighters desperately attempted to stop the burning flames from reaching the barn animals with the force of the water hose. However, the fire was not the only concern, as smoke inhalation also posed as a major threat to all their lives. The brave firefighters knew they were working against the clock, and had seconds to ensure the safety of the animals.


But, in the face of life or death, with their courage in tow, they remarkably led all 20 of the animals out to safety. Rachel was beyond amazed, but even more grateful that such selfless people were able to save her precious cattle. After the event, Rachel found out that the fire was caused by an electrical fault that set a pile of hay on fire.


Rachel needed to reward them for their golden hearts and outstanding operation, so she promised that she would send them a gift soon. However, she had no idea what to give them…

A Surprise Visit

Six months after the fire, Rachel visited the fire department. She brought a box in with her and told them that it was the gift she promised. With a wide smile on her face, she opened the box and handed it to them…

Unexpected Present

Inside of the box was a pile of sausages. Not just any sausages, but the sausages of the pigs that the firefighters saved that night. Unexpectedly, the firefighters happily accepted it and even savored it.

Divided Responses

When the Pewsey fire station uploaded pictures of the sausages to their facebook page, people all over the world quickly began to riot. One side believed that there was no point in saving them if they were going to be eaten anyway, while the other side believes that it is okay to accept Rachel's token of gratitude.

Gift Of Cattle

"This was just a token gesture to the fire service. This is just what we do – we are not an animal sanctuary. We give the pigs the best opportunity and the best life they could have for six months," Rachel Rivers said in a BBC interview.

Unnecessary Suffering

In an interview with the BBC, Director of International Programs Mimi Bekhechi said, "These poor piglets were no better off for escaping the fire. We'll be sending Dorset and Wiltshire fire and rescue service packs of Linda McCartney vegan sausages so they can see how easy it is to truly be heroes for pigs – by sparing them all suffering."

Controversial Debate

This event has unintentionally sparked a massive debate, as many people are in disagreement with each other about the ordeal. However, it's a debate that has already been controversial for the last couple of years. This debate is practically Veganism vs. Carnivorism in disguise.

Bizarre Story

Whether somebody is for or against the firefighters eating the sausages, everybody can agree that this is a bizarre case. An initially intense, yet positive rescue story has turned into a worldwide debate that pits people and their beliefs against each other. After the amount of backlash the fire department has received, they deleted the Facebook post and politely apologized.

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